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[游戏问题] 旅游业应该怎样发展?

发表于 2010-4-11 16:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
建了holiday hotel发现能产生利润,但在工具菜单那没见到有什么旅游建筑可以搞阿,应该怎样发展当地旅游业。
发表于 2010-4-11 18:10 | 显示全部楼层
要有足够的holiday hotels 才可以产生旅游业指数的。
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发表于 2010-4-11 20:33 | 显示全部楼层
网络上有篇文,写道可以把Holiday Hotel建的密密麻麻,建的整条街都是。。。但我暂时不能捻带有Url的粘。。以下是英文原文:
Holiday tokens are one of the two resources that have a direct impact on your citizens happiness level. If you will get enough of them, you will get a direct 3% bonus, if you have to few, 10% negative bonus will be given. That’s a lot.

The problem that probably every mayor have already experienced is that holiday hotels needs highly attractive areas to be built on, and that’s make this resource really scares on most of the maps, leading to higher prices on the market.

But don’t go sad face here, there is a trick, a trick that will allow you to build “massive amounts” of holiday hotels on any map, even those with out tourism bonus.

Luxury hotels - why sleep on the couch, I say.
The trick is really simple; first you want to do this on a map that isn’t polluted already, then you need heavy amounts of income and to unlock buildings that have an areal impact on the satisfaction levels on the neighbourhood. If you are short on cash, use avatar parks, if you have good income, use those UFO restaurants.

This little restaurant project cost around 2 million credits of income to keep alive while placing holiday hotels. But the cheaper avatar parks works too.
If you would like to have a nice grid city, I suggest that you use level 3 resident buildings to plop down and build a road network around them. Then just delete the buildings and replace them with the restaurants, as many as you can. Thereafter, take a look at the menu after hotel satisfaction and where you see a dark green area, destroy the restaurant and replace it with a holiday hotel. When all the dark green area is gone, just delete the restaurants and as quickly as possible build up the demand for workers to avoid you whole city go down the drain course of the lack of workforce.

The holiday hotels efficiency will sink quiet a lot, but you will still be given enough of holiday hotels to play around with, both at your city and on the market.

And I can tell you that building holiday tokens this way have been the most fun part of the game, be course you need to gather great amount of money, you need to city plan carefully, and you actually see something grow out of your own work. And at the end, the reward is of course great. Its just like being a real builder. Maybe now Paris Hilton will finally date me.


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发表于 2010-4-11 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kpsia118 于 2010-4-11 20:33 发表
网络上有篇文,写道可以把Holiday Hotel建的密密麻麻,建的整条街都是。。。但我暂时不能捻带有Url的粘。。以下是英文原文:
Holiday tokens are one of the two resources that have a direct impact on your citizens ha ...

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发表于 2010-4-11 23:50 | 显示全部楼层

后面说的就是怎么不去搞这些附加条件去赚钱, 作者说这是一个小花招。
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发表于 2010-4-12 12:26 | 显示全部楼层
我一直都是先建個公園   四周後來就能建酒店了~
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