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[MOD] 常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-1-8 20:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BSC Mega Props MBEAR Vol2
This pack contains new props required for future uploads by Mickebear.

No dependencies - this packwill act as dependency itself


Auto Installation: Double-click the installer file to start the installation. The program will guide you through the process. You can change the default installation path, but we strongly suggest to keep the standard folder in order to make future updates and additions easier.
MAC Users: File Juicer should enable you to use this installer package.

Un-Installing: To un-install the files, simply bulldoze every lot from this download in your cities and delete the files from the plugins folder afterwards.
File Paths  
The following paths are used by the installer system.

Lot and Dat Files
\My Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins\BSC\BSCProps\MBEAR\

Readme and JPGs
no readmes - they will follow when actual lots are being uploaded

BSC: most wonderful team here in Simtropolis and great help forme out with various things : Vlakhaas for sorting out the reward scheme ; BarbyW for all-around assistance and modding of timelined props and simply for being Goddess, RippTide for his wonderful statue models; GasCooker for advise in texturing, AndreasRoth for this particular tool and various others for testing
Kwakelaar, debussyman, Vester_DK, jglei701, threesweptand Istrinian team for long time support for my batting efforts - and countless others who have pushed me to go forward with this project.<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 yogafish 在 2007-02-01 13:27 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->
CSX mega,BSC SG Prop Packs X 3

[ 本帖最后由 jjbao 于 2008-7-8 10:36 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-8 20:43 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000"><font size="5"><U>BSC Mega Props MBEAR Vol1</U></font></font>


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发表于 2007-1-8 20:47 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<br />谢谢楼主了
<br />
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-8 20:51 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000"><u><font size="5">BSC MEGA Props GascookerVol01</font></u></font>
<br />BSC MEGA Props - gascooker Vol01
<br />
<br />Before installing this pack please search for and remove the following from your system. We recommend making a back up of your plugins folder first and storing the removed files away from the SC4 folders.
<br />
<br />BSCBATProps Gascooker Vol 01
<br />BSCBATProps Gascooker Vol 02
<br />BSCBATProps Gascooker Vol 03
<br />BSCBATProps Gascooker Vol 04
<br />BSCBATProps Gascooker Vol 05
<br />BSCBATProps Gascooker Vol 06
<br />BSCBATProps Gascooker Vol 07
<br />BSCBATProps Gascooker Vol 08
<br />BSCBATProps Gascooker Vol 09
<br />BSCBATProps Gascooker Nylons
<br />BSCBATProps gascooker Roads
<br />gasometer
<br />BSC BAT Props - Vehicles - GC Vol 01
<br />
<br /><!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 猪肉荣 在 2007-01-08 23:30 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-8 21:10 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000"><U><font size="5">BSC MEGA Props Swi21 Vol02</font></U></font>
<br />This pack contains new props required for future uploads by swi21 plus some old props. Please find and remove the following before installing this:
<br />
<br />swi21_UOA_Props
<br />
<br />swi21_crossingbridge_brickbase
<br />
<br />swi21_crossingbridge_stonebase


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回复 支持 0 反对 1

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-8 21:33 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000">[B]<U><font size="5">BSC MEGA Props SG Vol 01</font></U>[/U]</font>
<br />BSC BAT Props SG Vol01.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props SG Vol02.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props SG Vol03.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props SG Vol04.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props SG Vol05.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props SG Vol06.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props SG Vol07.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props SG Vol08.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props SG Vol09.dat
<br />BSC SG ConstructionPropsVol01.dat
<br />BSC SG FloraPack Vol01.dat
<br />BSC SG FloraPack Vol02.dat
<br />BSC SG FloraPack Vol03.dat
<br />BSC SG PondPack Vol01.dat
<br />BSC SG Prop Pack Bananas.dat
<br />BSC SG Props People Vol01.dat
<br />BSC Textures SG Vol 01.dat
<br />BSC Textures SG Vol 02.dat
<br />BSC Textures SG Vol 03.dat
<br />BSC Textures SG Vol 04.dat
<br />BSC Textures SG Vol 05.dat
<br />SG Props Grocery.dat
<br />SG_Flora_CornerBeds.dat
<br />SG_Flora_Shrubs8m.dat
<br />SG_MelonysMelons.dat
<br />SG_PropPack_CabinsAndTrailers.dat
<br />SG_SignBillboard_HappyFrog.dat
<br />SG_SignPost_HappyFrog.dat
<br />SG_WaterTowerOpen.dat
<br />


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回复 支持 1 反对 0

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-8 21:49 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000"><U><font size="5">BSC MEGA Props W2W Vol01</font></U></font>
<br />BSC BAT Props - W2W Vol01
<br />BSC BAT Props Born78 Vol01
<br />BSC BAT Props Born78 Vol02
<br />BSC BAT Props Born78 Vol03
<br />BSC BAT Props born78 Vol04
<br />BSC Prop Pack - Born78 San Carlos
<br />W2WBatProps_Vol01
<br />
<br />


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-8 22:34 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000"><U><font size="5">BSC MEGA Props Misc Vol01</font></U></font>
<br />In the continued attempt to help with the dependency issue and also to try to speed up gameplay, a selection of BSC prop packs have been merged into one dat.
<br />
<br />BSC MEGA Props - Misc Vol01
<br />
<br />Before installing this pack please search for and remove the following from your system. I recommend making a back up of your plugins folder first and storing the removed files away from the SC4 folders.
<br />
<br />BLS Farm Prop Pack Vol01
<br />BLS_Farm_Crops
<br />BSC BAT Props BLS Floral Vol01
<br />BSC BAT Props JenP Vol01
<br />BSC BAT Props JenP Vol02
<br />BSC BAT Props RP2005 Vol01
<br />BSC BAT Props RP2005 Vol02
<br />BSC BAT Props RP2005 Vol03
<br />BSCBATProps Don Miguel Vol01
<br />BSCBATProps ITS Vol01
<br />BSCBATProps JaWood Vol01
<br />BSCBATProps_AgartVol01
<br />BSCEmmaVictorian1
<br />
<br />


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-8 22:52 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000"><U><font size="5">BSC MEGA Props JENX Vol01</font></U></font>
<br />BSC MEGA Props - JENX Vol01
<br />
<br />Before installing this pack please search for and remove the following from your system. I recommend making a back up of your plugins folder first and storing the removed files away from the SC4 folders.
<br />
<br />bsc_BAT_Paris_JENX_Vol01a
<br />bsc_BAT_Paris_JENX_Vol01b
<br />bsc_BAT_Paris_JENX_Vol01c
<br />BSCBATProps_JENX_Vol01
<br />BSCBATProps_JENXParisCorner1_Vol01
<br />BSCBATProps_JENXParisCorner1_Vol02
<br />BSCBATProps_JENXParisRow_Vol01
<br />
<br />


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回复 支持 1 反对 0

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-8 23:05 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000"><U><font size="5">BSC MEGA Props D66 Vol01</font></U></font>
<br />BSC MEGA Props - D66 Vol01
<br />
<br />Before installing this pack please search for and remove the following from your system. I recommend making a back up of your plugins folder first and storing the removed files away from the SC4 folders.
<br />
<br />BSC BAT Props D66 RT Vol01.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props D66 Vol01.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props D66 Vol02.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props D66 Vol03.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props D66 Vol04.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props D66 Vol06.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props D66 Vol5.dat
<br />


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-8 23:12 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000"><U><font size="5">BSC MEGA Props MJB Vol 01</font></U></font>
<br />BSC MEGA Props - MJB Vol01
<br />
<br />Before installing this pack please search for and remove the following from your system. I recommend making a back up of your plugins folder first and storing the removed files away from the SC4 folders.
<br />
<br />BSC BAT Props MJB Bananas
<br />BSC BAT Props MJB Vol01
<br />BSC BAT Props MJB Vol02
<br />BSC BAT Props MJB Vol03
<br />BSC BAT Props MJB Vol04
<br />BSC BAT Props MJB Vol05
<br />BSC BAT Props MJB Vol06
<br />BSC BAT Props MJB Vol07
<br />BSC BAT Props MJB Vol08
<br />PropPak_MJB_Apples_vol01
<br />prop_mjb_LogCabin
<br />
<br />


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-8 23:19 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000"><U><font size="5">BSC Mega Props DAE Vol01</font></U></font>
<br />This prop pack contains a single 9.5M .dat file that replaces eleven previously published prop file, plus includes another one that I haven't published. The replaced downloads/files are shown in the following table. I have only consolidated prop packs that contain props that others have used (or are likely to use in the future). If the props are very specific to a lot (such as my Aussie retail buildings) I have not included them.
<br />
<br />Original download Files replaced Notes
<br />DEDWD Factory Unit Props DEDWD_FactoryUnit_props.dat  
<br />DEDWD IHT Buildings as Props DEDWD_IHT_Pharmaceuticals_props.dat Note 1.
<br />DEDWD School Set Props DEDWD_SchoolSet_props.dat Note 2.
<br />BSC Bicycle Prop Pack BSC_DAE_Bicycle_props.dat  
<br />DEDWD Mega Prop Pack DEDWD_Props_Vol01.dat Note 3.
<br /> DEDWD_Props_Vol02.dat  
<br /> DEDWD_Props_Vol03.dat  
<br />BSC DAE Forest Lot Prop Pack  BSC_DAE_ForestLot_props  
<br />BSC DAE Train Prop Pack Vol01  BSC_DAE_TrainProps_Vol01.dat  
<br />BSC BRF Train Prop Pack  BSC_BRF_TrainProps.dat  
<br />BSC Railyard Props Vol1  BSC_Railyard_props_Vol1.dat
<br />


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-8 23:26 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000"><U><font size="5">BSC Mega Props JES Vol01</font></U></font>
<br />The following prop packs are included in Vol01
<br />
<br />BSCBATProps jestarr Vol01.dat
<br />BSCBATProps jestarr Vol02.dat
<br />BSCBATProps jestarr Vol03.dat
<br />BSCBATProps jestarr Vol04.dat
<br />BSCBATProps jestarr Vol05.dat
<br />BSCBATProps jestarr Vol06.dat
<br />BSCBATProps jestarr Vol07.dat
<br />jes_Billboards.dat
<br />jes_BrewsterMachineToolProps_BSC.dat
<br />jes_GuidosRedHotsProps_BSC.dat
<br />jes_HVTransmissionLine-SubstationProps_BSC.dat
<br />jes_Warehouses Vol01.dat
<br />jes_Warehouses Vol02.dat
<br />jes_WisconsinGasProps_BSC.dat
<br />jes_BuildingProps.dat
<br />Phantom433s_Trucks.dat
<br />Phantom433s_Trucks02.dat
<br />
<br />


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-9 09:24 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000"><U><font size="5">BSC MEGA Props Swi21 Vol01</font></U></font>
<br />In the continued attempt to help with the dependency issue and also to try to speed up gameplay, all swi21's props have been merged into one dat.
<br />
<br />Before installing this pack please search for and remove the following from your system. I recommend making a back up of your plugins folder first and storing the removed files away from the SC4 folders.
<br />
<br />
<br />BSC BAT Props swi21 Vol01.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props swi21 Vol02.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props swi21 Vol03.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props swi21 Vol04.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props swi21 Vol05.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props swi21 Vol06.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props swi21 Vol07.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props swi21 Vol08.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props swi21 Vol09.dat
<br />BSC BAT Props swi21 Vol10.dat
<br />BSC Chateau Anis Props.dat
<br />BSC_SWI21_Ypiranga_Prop_Pack.dat
<br />


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-9 10:39 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<font color="#ff0000"><U><font size="5">BSC MEGA Props RT Vol 01</font></U></font>
<br />This MEGA Prop pack is a compilation of the following:
<br />
<br />AvalonParkProps.dat
<br />BSCBATProps RT Vol01.dat
<br />BSCBATProps RT Vol02.dat
<br />BSCBATProps RT Vol03.dat
<br />BSCBATProps RT Vol04.dat
<br />BSCBATProps RT Vol05.dat
<br />BSCBATProps RT Vol06.dat
<br />BSCBATProps_GreekBathPark_ripptide.dat
<br />
<br />


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-9 10:48 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集


[ 本帖最后由 猪肉荣 于 2007-6-6 15:33 编辑 ]
回复 支持 1 反对 0

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-9 12:44 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-1-9 14:33 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-1-9 16:39 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-1-9 19:39 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<br />谢谢分享!!
发表于 2007-1-10 11:56 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-1-10 12:02 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

真厉害 赞 不过好多都看不到图片
发表于 2007-1-10 20:13 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<br />
发表于 2007-1-10 20:57 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-1-21 12:20 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-1-21 21:33 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-1-22 21:17 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

手都断了 不顶对不起楼猪了
发表于 2007-1-24 14:31 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-1-24 14:59 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<br />
发表于 2007-1-25 00:57 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<br />谢谢了~~~
发表于 2007-1-25 23:14 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

顶 谢谢楼主
发表于 2007-1-31 13:31 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-1-31 19:14 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-1-31 19:48 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-1-31 19:58 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<br />看上去很全
<br />我连国外慢
<br />谢谢了
发表于 2007-2-2 18:47 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-2-3 11:31 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-2-3 23:26 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-2-4 00:39 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-2-7 16:12 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-2-7 23:59 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-2-9 21:59 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

我是个新手,我想请教一下:是把下的插件装在楼主一楼所说的那个My Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins\BSC\BSCProps\MBEAR\ 里还是把上面那一大堆东西装在这个文件夹里啊?如果只把插件装在My Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins\BSC\BSCProps\MBEAR\ 里会显示需要者些东西的插件吗?
<br />望楼主和各位高手赐教!
<br />
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-9 23:58 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

随便往<font size="6">My Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins</font>\这里面塞就行
<br />
发表于 2007-2-12 00:51 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<br />一定得回答这个问题
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-12 00:58 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<!--quote-qsyhp+2007-02-12 00:51+pid234675--><div class='quotetop'>引用:( qsyhp &#064; 2007&#045;02&#045;12 00:51 <a href="redirect.php?goto=findpost&p=234675">查看原帖</a> )</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quote1-->先顶一下.在问一个重要的问题!就是全部都下来用,会不会文件冲突而影响游戏啊????????????????????????????
<br />一定得回答这个问题<!--quote2--></div><!--quote3-->
<br />没碰上这情况
发表于 2007-2-12 13:55 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-2-12 20:40 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<br />谢谢啊
发表于 2007-2-13 13:32 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

<br />很多图片无法显示,所以看不到相关内容,麻烦楼主了。
发表于 2007-2-13 16:57 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

发表于 2007-2-15 15:31 | 显示全部楼层

常用BSC MEGA Props插件包合集

all good things ! thank you so much !!!
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