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发表于 2011-8-13 10:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


[ 本帖最后由 Kimitoosky 于 2011-8-13 10:25 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-13 10:23 | 显示全部楼层
游戏进行中按 [CTRL]+[ALT]+[SHIFT]+[C],在屏幕左上端会出现一个窗口,在窗口中输入以下英文语句:
i am weak 建筑物、公共设施、区域规划、运输、种树、制造水源,全部不要钱啦!
call cousin Vinnie 会议视窗中有人会捐献$100,000给你,你可以接受也可以拒绝。
zyxwvu 必须先使用上一个密码,拒绝他的捐献。然后使用这个密码,奖励选单里面就会出现一座漂亮的城堡。这个城堡可让土地价值飙涨,邻近的区域也会得到好处。
pay tribute to your king 所有奖励建筑(不包括赌场和最高安全监狱)
traffic lights 减少污染、交通、提高土地价值
garbage in, garbage out 可以盖所有的垃圾处理设施
power to the masses 可以盖所有的电力设施
water in the desert 可以盖所有的水源设施
I love red tape 所有的法令得以实施
let's make a deal 与临近城市交易
nerdz rool 高科技工业
Salt on 将海洋变为咸水
Salt off 将海洋变为饮用水
Terrain one up 升高地表一层(建造城市前用!)
Terrain one down 降低地表一层(建造城市前用!)
Terrain ten up 升高地表十层(建造城市前用!)
Terrain ten down 降低地表十层(建造城市前用!)
UFO Swarm 一大群不明飞行物降临你的城市
The Birds 更近看城市上空会有一大群海鸥

stop forcing advice         Supposedly shuts up the advisors. Not verified.

force Moe to say [insert text here]         Makes Moe say whatever you put in the [insert text here] space. You can also use this cheat for Mortimer, Constance, Maria, Randall, Gus, and Karen. Note: I have not actually been able to see the result of this cheat yet (cheat not verified).

force petitioners to say         Works similar to above cheat. Not actually verified.

  i love red tape stop forcing advice
  force Mortimer to say
  force Constance to say
  force Maria to say
  force Randall to say
  force Gus to say
  force Karen to say
  let's make a deal Load terrain  

打开并关闭Power Plants 菜单
打开并关闭Garbage Disposal菜单

  使用文本编辑器对“audio.ini”文件进行修改,该文件在“/game/res/sound”目录下,打开文件后找到“SimCity 200 Theme”语句,将数字“”改为“”,就可以了。

  在模拟城市2000中创造一个新城市,并使用“More money”秘技。当积累到足够的金钱时,保存并退出游戏。然后进入模拟城市3000,单击“Load City”导入刚刚在模拟城市2000里创造的城市。你就能如愿以偿的得到想要的金钱了。

  在你的城市里建造一个农场,然后选择:“Start Disasters”选项,会出现一大群不明飞行物,拉响警报器直到攻击结束,然后看看发生了什么。当UFO消失在太空后,回到你的农场,运气好的话,你会发现麦田怪圈。

  broccoli =出现"Sorry, Money Doesn't Grow On Broccoli"信息
  porntipsguzzardo =出现"Aha! We Have A Real Pro Here! Try BROCCOLI"信息
  bat =出现"Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da BAT-man!"信息
  scurk =出现"If You Build It, They Will Come"信息
  llama =出现"The Llama Is A Quadruped"信息
  easter egg =出现"Duo Ragazzi's Easter Egg Palace: Old World Charm In A Post Modern Setting"信息
  sim =出现"If You Lived Here, You'd Be A Sim"信息
  help =出现"Dozens Of Hidden News Ticker Reveals; Sims Encouraged To Collect Them All And Amaze Friends"信息
  will wright =出现"What Will He Think Of Next?"信息
  erts =出现"Investment Tip: Buy Low, Sell High"信息
  electronic arts =出现"Not Just Sports Games Anymore"信息
  ticker =出现" Picayune: The Finest In Scrolling Entertainment"信息
  money =出现"Money Does NOT Grow On Trees, Study Concludes"信息
  simcity =出现"Keep Trying And Maybe You'll Figure It Out"信息
  hello =出现"Greetings Mayor, Your Sims Salute You"信息
  mayor =出现"Mayor brings To News Ticker Highlight"信息
  sc3k =出现"Mayor Suspected Of Attempting Embezzlement; Ends In Failure"信息
  1234 =出现"Secret Number Combination Causes Announcement In News Ticker"信息
  maxis =出现"Did you know that MAXIS spelled backwards is SIX AM?"信息
  moremoney =出现"MOREMONEY Not Cheat Code, Research Concludes"信息
  advisor =出现"Mayor Under Investigation For Possible Embezzlement" 信息
  fund =出现"FUND Not A Cheat Code, Do Not Type MOREMONEY, It Is Not A Cheat Code Either"信息
  "Unknown" message - simon says =出现"Unknown"信息
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-13 10:26 | 显示全部楼层


To use a cheat code, press the [Ctrl], [Shift], [Alt] and [C] keys at the same time (for Mac users the key combo is Apple+Option+Shift+C). This will bring up a cheat window for you to type a code:

  Code:  Description
call cousin Vinnie   After typing this code, you will see a Local Fundraising Event appear in the Meet window. He'll offer you some cash, and if you accept the deal, he'll give you a large wad of cash. You can only use this code once.
I am weak   All buildings, zones, utilities, infrastructure, trees, and water are free.  
i love red tape    City hall description becomes "Miles and Miles of Red Tape". Also sets the date to the year 1900.  
zyxwvu    Type in this code after rejecting the Local Fundraising deal obtained by typing "call cousin Vinnie". You will be rewarded with the SimCity Castle, which will appear in the Rewards window.  
garbage in, garbage out    All garbage buildings become available regardless of year.  
power to the masses    All power plants become available regardless of year.  
water in the desert    All water facilities become available regardless of year.  
pay tribute to your king    All rewards and opportunities become available. However, the GigaMall and casino do not appear to be included.  
nerdz rool    Causes clean, hi-tech industry to be built in your Industrial Zones.  
let's make a deal    All of your petitioners to whom you have connections to starting making deals with you.  
UFO Swarm    After typing the cheat code, Set Disaster to UFO and watch an extreme number of flying saucers descend upon your city.  
the birds    Look closely for a flock of seagulls flying above your city.  


All Buildings, All the Time

CODE: (You don't need the Cheat window for this one.)
Open and close the Power Plants menu
Open and close the Rewards & Opportunities menu
Open and close the Garbage Disposal menu
Open the Landmarks menu
EFFECT: When you open the Landmarks menu, you'll find that ALL the buildings in SimCity 3000 Unlimited are now available to you!

Simon Says

EFFECT: The following codes cause the Newsticker to display something unusual.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-13 10:30 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2011-8-14 08:28 | 显示全部楼层
那些不是历史遗迹啊 都是教程里面的图
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-14 09:38 | 显示全部楼层

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