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[作弊类] 〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

发表于 2007-2-21 08:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<br />
<br />
<br />墨西哥证券交易所,提供2430 CO$$ 的工作岗位
<br />以下转自smtropoils
<br />This is the office building of the Mexico stock exchange, Is located in the avenue of "Paseo de la Reforma"
<br />in Mexico city. This building is covered almost totally by cristal and this innovator design make it unique.
<br />
<br />Lot Details:
<br />
<br />Size 4x3
<br />Jobs 2430 CO$$
<br />Plop cost: $50.000
<br />Bulldoze cost $7,000
<br />
<br />Dependencies: None
<br />
<br />I'll hope you enjoy it<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-22 08:24 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->

[ 本帖最后由 harryz 于 2010-9-6 01:31 编辑 ]


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发表于 2007-2-21 11:47 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

见过最好看的 建筑   赞!!!!!!1 <img src='images/smiles/em016.GIF' smilietext=':em016:' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt=':em016:' title=':em016:' />
发表于 2007-2-21 19:05 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />   挺好看.
发表于 2007-2-21 19:42 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />夜景不咋滴
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-21 21:41 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

提供2850 工作岗位
<br />Here is my new skyscraper: &quot;UBORA TOWER&quot;
<br />
<br />
<br />De&#115;cription:
<br />
<br />Height: 300 Meters
<br />Categroie: Landmark
<br />Landmark and CO$$ Ploppable Version with 2850 Jobs.
<br />
<br />I hope you like it...
<br />
<br />Cheers
<br />skyscraper
<br />
<br /> <!--attachid::34522--><a href='attachment.php?id=34522&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1174114429_1.jpg&amp;filename=2%2EJPG.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='2%2EJPG.jpg -  文件大小49.6KB' target='_blank'><img src='attachment.php?do=showthumb&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=thumb_1174114429_1.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' width='141' height='400' alt='2%2EJPG.jpg - 文件大小49.6KB (点击缩略图放大查看)' /></a> <!--attachid-->  <!--attachid::34521--><a href='attachment.php?id=34521&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1174114429_0.jpg&amp;filename=1%2EJPG.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='1%2EJPG.jpg -  文件大小49.0KB' target='_blank'><img src='attachment.php?do=showthumb&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=thumb_1174114429_0.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' width='143' height='400' alt='1%2EJPG.jpg - 文件大小49.0KB (点击缩略图放大查看)' /></a> <!--attachid-->
<br /> <!--attachid::34523--><img src='images/style_15/zh-cn/attach/zip.gif' border='0' alt='上传的附件' />&nbsp;<a href='attachment.php?id=34523&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=zip&amp;attach=1174114592_0.attach&amp;filename=Ubora Tower.zip&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='' class='edit' target='_blank'>Ubora Tower.zip</a><span class='edit'>( 文件大小: 2.87MB )</span><br /><!--attachid-->
<br />
<br /> 匈牙利国民议会
<br />位于布达佩斯的匈牙利国民议会,是哥特式建筑复苏,1896年开始建造,1904年完工
<br />提供Jobs 8309Jobs co$$ 或2375Jobs co$$$
<br /> <!--attachid::38549--><a href='attachment.php?id=38549&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1176598184_1.jpg&amp;filename=未命名.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='未命名.jpg -  文件大小62.7KB' target='_blank'><img src='attachment.php?do=showthumb&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1176598184_1.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' width='250' height='188' alt='未命名.jpg - 文件大小62.7KB (点击缩略图放大查看)' /></a> <!--attachid-->  <!--attachid::38548--><a href='attachment.php?id=38548&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1176598184_0.jpg&amp;filename=Parliament1_ren.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='Parliament1_ren.jpg -  文件大小50.9KB' target='_blank'><img src='attachment.php?do=showthumb&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1176598184_0.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' width='250' height='188' alt='Parliament1_ren.jpg - 文件大小50.9KB (点击缩略图放大查看)' /></a> <!--attachid-->
<br /> <!--attachid::38550--><img src='images/style_15/zh-cn/attach/zip.gif' border='0' alt='上传的附件' />&nbsp;<a href='attachment.php?id=38550&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=zip&amp;attach=1176598371_0.attach&amp;filename=Install_YDR_Hungarian_Parliament_BSC.zip&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='' class='edit' target='_blank'>Install_YDR_Hungarian_Parliament_BSC.zip</a><span class='edit'>( 文件大小: 6.01MB )</span><br /><!--attachid-->
<br />
<br />先锋广场
<br />提供CO$$ 819 个工作岗位
<br /> <!--attachid::39276--><a href='attachment.php?id=39276&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1177072751_0.jpg&amp;filename=pioneerrelease1.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='pioneerrelease1.jpg -  文件大小40.0KB' target='_blank'><img src='attachment.php?do=showthumb&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1177072751_0.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' width='250' height='400' alt='pioneerrelease1.jpg - 文件大小40.0KB (点击缩略图放大查看)' /></a> <!--attachid-->  <!--attachid::39277--><a href='attachment.php?id=39277&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1177072751_1.jpg&amp;filename=pioneerrelease2.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='pioneerrelease2.jpg -  文件大小30.8KB' target='_blank'><img src='attachment.php?do=showthumb&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1177072751_1.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' width='250' height='400' alt='pioneerrelease2.jpg - 文件大小30.8KB (点击缩略图放大查看)' /></a> <!--attachid-->
<br /> <!--attachid::39278--><img src='images/style_15/zh-cn/attach/zip.gif' border='0' alt='上传的附件' />&nbsp;<a href='attachment.php?id=39278&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=zip&amp;attach=1177072799_0.attach&amp;filename=BLaM - Pioneer Place.zip&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='' class='edit' target='_blank'>BLaM - Pioneer Place.zip</a><span class='edit'>( 文件大小: 830.9KB )</span><br /><!--attachid-->
<br />
<br />佛蒙特州金融集团
<br />提供3219个 CO$$工作岗位
<br /> <!--attachid::39494--><a href='attachment.php?id=39494&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1177085797_0.jpg&amp;filename=VFG_day_01.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='VFG_day_01.jpg -  文件大小77.2KB' target='_blank'><img src='attachment.php?do=showthumb&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=thumb_1177085797_0.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' width='165' height='400' alt='VFG_day_01.jpg - 文件大小77.2KB (点击缩略图放大查看)' /></a> <!--attachid-->  <!--attachid::39495--><a href='attachment.php?id=39495&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1177085797_1.jpg&amp;filename=VFG_night_01.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='VFG_night_01.jpg -  文件大小35.3KB' target='_blank'><img src='attachment.php?do=showthumb&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=thumb_1177085797_1.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' width='165' height='400' alt='VFG_night_01.jpg - 文件大小35.3KB (点击缩略图放大查看)' /></a> <!--attachid-->
<br /> <!--attachid::39496--><img src='images/style_15/zh-cn/attach/zip.gif' border='0' alt='上传的附件' />&nbsp;<a href='attachment.php?id=39496&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=zip&amp;attach=1177085887_0.attach&amp;filename=XDesign Vermont Financial Group Setup.zip&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='' class='edit' target='_blank'>XDesign Vermont Financial Group Setup.zip</a><span class='edit'>( 文件大小: 3.44MB )</span><br /><!--attachid-->
<br />
<br />Company Tower In New York
<br />提供2500 CO$$$ Jobs.个工作岗位
<br /> <!--attachid::42103--><a href='attachment.php?id=42103&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1178060957_0.jpg&amp;filename=1.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='1.jpg -  文件大小44.4KB' target='_blank'><img src='attachment.php?do=showthumb&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1178060957_0.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' width='250' height='400' alt='1.jpg - 文件大小44.4KB (点击缩略图放大查看)' /></a> <!--attachid-->  <!--attachid::42104--><a href='attachment.php?id=42104&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=1178060957_1.jpg&amp;filename=2.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='2.jpg -  文件大小38.0KB' target='_blank'><img src='attachment.php?do=showthumb&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=jpg&amp;attach=thumb_1178060957_1.jpg&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' width='249' height='400' alt='2.jpg - 文件大小38.0KB (点击缩略图放大查看)' /></a> <!--attachid-->
<br /> <!--attachid::42109--><img src='images/style_15/zh-cn/attach/zip.gif' border='0' alt='上传的附件' />&nbsp;<a href='attachment.php?id=42109&amp;u=44741&amp;extension=zip&amp;attach=1178061026_0.attach&amp;filename=JP Stevens Company Tower.zip&amp;attachpath=4/4/7/4/1' title='' class='edit' target='_blank'>JP Stevens Company Tower.zip</a><span class='edit'>( 文件大小: 1.97MB )</span><br /><!--attachid--><!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-05-02 07:11 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-22 09:37 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

提供3873 CO$$ 工作岗位
<br />Avalon Financial Center is a building from my private stuff. I've used this building in
<br />Vermont Region City Journal - but, region is not yet ready. OK - this what you see is very old - the base model was created four months ago. It waited for render long three months... The base shape remind me a Chicago or New York style skyscrapers from 70's - 80's. And - see you on the next uploads!
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Installation:
<br />Double-click on the Setup Wizard.
<br />
<br />Properities:
<br />
<br /> CO$$ Version
<br />
<br />Building value: 85.600 $
<br />Bulldoze cost/Worth: 7.500 $
<br />Capacity: 3873 CO$$
<br />Construction time: 212 days
<br />Flammability: 36
<br />Maximum fire stage: 5
<br />Pollution at center (air|water|garbage): 15|28|34
<br />Pollution radious in cells (air|water|garbage): 2|2|2
<br />Power consumed: 217 MW per month
<br />Water consumed: 523 m³ per month
<br />Height: 412 meters  
<br />Width: 62.5 meters
<br />Length: 62.5 meters
<br />Number of stories: 86
<br />LOT size: 4x4
<br />Stage: 8
<br />Zoning type: Dense commercial
<br />Type: Only growable
<br />Dependencies: None
<br /> Static Landmark Version
<br />Budget item: 75$
<br />Bulldoze cost: 4.500 $
<br />Landmark effect: 60|30
<br />Mayor rating effect: 35|256
<br />Plop cost: 95.000 $
<br />Power consumed: 120 MW per month
<br />Water consumed: 210 m³ per month
<br />Welath: High Wealth
<br />
<br />
<br />BAT modelling, LOT files and de&#115;criptors (C) 2006 by Phoenix. All rights reserved. Only for private use. Do not redistribute this file without our persmission.<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-03 09:12 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-22 09:40 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />
<br />Growable
<br />-Jobs: CO$$$ 3385
<br />-Growth Stage: 8
<br />-Size: 5x4
<br />-Construction: 103 days
<br />
<br />Ploppalbe
<br />-Jobs: CO$$$ 3385
<br />-size 5x4
<br />-Plop cost: $180000
<br />-Demolish: $2000<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-03-31 07:22 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-22 17:28 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

提供3180个工作岗位<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-07 15:37 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-22 17:31 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

提供Co$$ 3080个工作岗位
<br /><!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-03 22:18 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-22 17:34 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

提供1745 CO$$$的工作岗位
<br />
<br />Growable Stats:
<br />-3x3
<br />-1745 CO$$$ jobs
<br />-Growth: Stage 7
<br />Ploppable
<br />-3x3
<br />-1745 CO$$$ jobs
<br />-Plop cost: 120000
<br />
<br />There are some better screenshots inside.
<br />
<br />EDIT: I found the growable lot...sorry please download again to get the growable lot. Also new BAT coming soon :)
<br />
<br />Dependencies:
<br />BSC Carch fountain props
<br /><a href="http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=4035" target="_blank">http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=4035</a><!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-03-31 07:24 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-22 19:04 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />建于1929年,为 纽约中央铁路公司
<br />
<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />
<br />General Information
<br />
<br />Plop Cost: $125000
<br />Lot Size: 7X4
<br />Wealth: Medium Wealth
<br />Pollution: Air (3 over 7 tiles) Water (7 over 6 tiles) Garbage (15 over 0 tiles)
<br />Power Consumed:76
<br />Demand Created:2516 CO$$<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-03-31 07:27 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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发表于 2007-2-22 19:18 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-22 19:22 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

提供CO$$: 1974个工作岗位
<br /><!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-07 00:13 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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发表于 2007-2-22 22:19 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

发表于 2007-2-22 23:29 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-22 23:58 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

一共有两个版本,一个是Growable CO§§与 CO§§§,另一个是Ploppable CO§§§
<br />Growable CO§§提供3200工作岗位
<br />    CO§§§,提供2300工作岗位
<br />Ploppable CO§§§,提供: 2300工作岗位
<br />
<br />Growable CO§§
<br />Lot Size: 4x4
<br />Job Capacity: §§3200
<br />Bulldoze Cost: §2,500
<br />Construction Time: 105 sim-days
<br />Building Value: §30,000
<br />Air Pollution: 25
<br />Water Pollution: 20
<br />Garbage: 130
<br />Power Consumed: 190
<br />Water Consumed: 470
<br />
<br />Growable CO§§§
<br />Lot Size: 4x4
<br />Job Capacity: 2300
<br />Bulldoze Cost: §3,000
<br />Construction Time: 105 sim-days
<br />Building Value: §40,000
<br />Air Pollution: 30
<br />Water Pollution: 25
<br />Garbage: 135
<br />Power Consumed: 230
<br />Water Consumed: 505
<br />Landmark
<br />Plop Cost: §250,000
<br />Maintenence Cost: §100
<br />Lot Size: 4x4
<br />Landmark Effect: 60
<br />Landmark Effect Radius: 20
<br />Bulldoze Cost: §100
<br />Air Pollution: 30
<br />Water Pollution: 25
<br />Garbage: 130
<br />Power Consumed: 190
<br />Water Consumed: 470
<br />
<br />Ploppable CO§§§
<br />Plop Cost: §250,000
<br />Lot Size: 4x4
<br />Job Capacity: 2300
<br />Building Value: §40,000
<br />Bulldoze Cost: §3,000
<br />Air Pollution: 30
<br />Water Pollution: 35
<br />Garbage: 135
<br />Power Consumed: 230
<br />Water Consumed: 505
<br />
<br />Dependencies
<br />None!<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-03-31 07:32 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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发表于 2007-2-23 00:18 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

发表于 2007-2-23 11:07 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-23 12:42 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />
<br /> CO$$ Version
<br />Building value: 62.700 $
<br />Bulldoze cost/Worth: 4200 $
<br />Capacity: 6450 CO$$
<br />Construction time: 242 days
<br />Flammability: 50
<br />Maximum fire stage: 5
<br />Pollution at center (air|water|garbage): 27|33|81
<br />Pollution radious in cells (air|water|garbage): 4|3|4
<br />Power consumed: 105 MW per month
<br />Water consumed: 255 m³ per month
<br />Height: 261.75 meters  
<br />Width: 95 meters
<br />Length: 35 meters
<br />Number of stories: 60
<br />LOT size: 6x3
<br />Stage: 8
<br />Zoning type: Dense commercial
<br />Type: Only growable
<br />Dependencies: BSC Texture Pack Vol I, BSC Prop Pack Volume I &amp; II, CARCH Texture Set, NDEX Texture Set<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-03-31 07:34 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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发表于 2007-2-23 14:49 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />
<br />
<br />  就是全是英文的.!
<br />
<br />  看不懂.
发表于 2007-2-23 16:07 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />
<br /><!--quote-harryz+2007-02-22 17:28+pid240416--><div class='quotetop'>引用:( harryz &#064; 2007&#045;02&#045;22 17:28 <a href="redirect.php?goto=findpost&p=240416">查看原帖</a> )</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quote1-->Maple Place
<br />By X18999
<br />Released February 21, 2007
<br />Maple Place is a fictional residential tower. It is available in a growable medium wealth version, a growable high wealth version, and a nonfunctional landmark version on a 5x3 lot.
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />Lot Information
<br />Growable R&#036;&#036; Version
<br />Lot Size: 5x3 tiles
<br />Resident Capacity: 1123
<br />Bulldoze Cost: 4000
<br />Construction Time: 78
<br />Building Value: 3000
<br />Growable R&#036;&#036;&#036; Version
<br />Lot Size: 5x3 tiles
<br />Resident Capacity: 924
<br />Bulldoze Cost: 5000
<br />Construction Time: 78
<br />Building Value: 4000
<br />Landmark Version
<br />Lot Size: 5x3 tiles
<br />Construction Cost: &#036;100,000
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />Dependencies
<br />None!<!--quote2--></div><!--quote3-->
<br />
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-23 16:13 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />The TRI Rehna Foundation Tower is a CO$$ tower with 3400 jobs. Suitable for every modern city. Building styles are Houston and Euro and the lot size is 2x4. Landmarkversion with jobs included. Some stats:
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />Growable:
<br />Lot Size: 2x4
<br />Jobs: 3400
<br />Flammability: 44
<br />MaxFireStage: 4
<br />Power/Water Consumed: 92, 919
<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />Ploppable:
<br />Landmarkversion with Jobs
<br />Budget Item: Cost: 0
<br />No Effects, but cheap
<br />Plop Cost: 35000
<br />The same as growable<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-01 07:38 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 11:33 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br /> 提供Cs$$$312工作会岗位<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-01 07:45 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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发表于 2007-2-24 11:33 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />楼主有空继续更新哈!
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 12:20 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />Poole, Diamond and Associates presents One International Trade Center Currently the tallest building on BEX, but soon to be surpassed by Two ITC 4x8 - Landmark With custom query by Thalassicus! 4x7 - Landmark 4x8 CO$$$ Plop with about 11000 jobs no growables because this building is too big, sorry! Need Reverse Path Overlay Textures Pack 1-3 by geoffhaw and Wrigley Peristyle by ardecila's overlay textures. (search stex) Model file and Desc needed for both plopable and LM. UPDATED: The 4x8 LM has been updated with a beautiful custom query by Thalassicus! Picture is included in the download and also on the PDA forum.<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-02-24 22:15 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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发表于 2007-2-24 12:45 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 16:01 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

Welcom back on stex! This is my first upload for a very long time. Thank you for over 100'000 views and 40'000 downloads!
<br />
<br />I'm happy to present you the AXX HQ Tower, Its again a simple C$$ tower for midtowns and downtowns, but with a lot of roof details.
<br />
<br />Stats:
<br />
<br />
<br />Growable Version:
<br />
<br />Lot size: 4 x 2 tiles
<br />Building style(s): Building: Commercial,Building: CO$$,Style: Houston,Style: Euro
<br />Growth stage: 6
<br />Occupants: CO-$$ : 3400
<br />Bulldoze cost: § 2500
<br />Worth: § 13800
<br />Construction Time: 157 days  
<br />Max. Fire Stage:  30
<br />Power consumption: 69 MWh/month
<br />Water consumption: 347 Gallons/month
<br />Air pollution: 0 over 0 tiles
<br />Water pollution: 7 over 2 tiles
<br />Garbage pollution: 12 over 3 tiles
<br />
<br />
<br />Plopable Version:
<br />
<br />Lot size: 4 x 2 tiles
<br />Menu Position: Landmarks
<br />Occupants: CO-$$ : 3400
<br />Bulldoze cost: § 2500
<br />Worth: § 13800
<br />Max. Fire Stage:  30
<br />Power consumption: 69 MWh/month
<br />Water consumption: 347 Gallons/month
<br />Air pollution: 0 over 0 tiles
<br />Water pollution: 7 over 2 tiles
<br />Garbage pollution: 12 over 3 tiles
<br />
<br />
<br />Special thanks to BerlinDude, he did a great job in modding this one!
<br />
<br />Many thanks for downlads, comments and ratings.
<br />
<br />Zumi<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-03-17 17:16 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 16:37 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

提供7000个Co$$ 的工作岗位<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-07 19:03 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 16:42 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />The CityTravel Center you can see here is a CO$$ office building with lot size 3x3.
<br />The tower have a simple design, but a special texture combination.
<br />At the roof it have a sing with the CityTravel logo and some roof junk.
<br />At night you can see a special &quot;Office-Night-Texture&quot; I made.
<br />Growable and ploppable version with jobs! Stats:
<br />
<br />Growable:
<br />CO$$
<br />lot size: 3x3
<br />Jobs: 2300
<br />Flammability: 40
<br />MaxFireStage: 4
<br />Power/ Water Consumed: 44/ 840
<br />Growth Stage: 7
<br />Building Styles: Euro, Houston
<br />
<br />Ploppable (Landmarkmenu):
<br />Plop Cost: 45000
<br />Budget Item cost: 0
<br />No effects
<br />The same as growable.
<br />
<br />Thx for downloads and ratings :-)<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-07 00:26 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 16:52 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />Thats my new building. The Geometry International Inc. (GII)
<br />Its a 3x3 (3x4) $$Commercial office building for midtowns and downtowns. At night the windows are lightgreen. Ploppable (landmark) and growable version in this download.
<br />
<br />Some stats:
<br />Growable:
<br />Growable it have 3 lot versions (3x3 and 3x4)
<br />Jobs: 1720
<br />Bulldoze cost: 780$
<br />Power consumed: 25
<br />Water consumed: 750
<br />
<br />Ploppable (Landmark):
<br />Ploppable it have only one lot version (3x3)
<br />Plop. cost: 35000$
<br />Monthly cost: 30$
<br />No landmark effect.
<br />No mayor rating effect.
<br />
<br />Instuctions:
<br />After unzipping:
<br />Put the model file and the growable order (when do you want only growable in your game) or the ploppable order (when do you want only ploppable in your game) or both in your plugins folder at my documents.<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-07 00:27 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 17:22 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

Well, first of all, that's an old BAT that I'm now releasing.
<br />
<br />With restaurant and some roofs nightlighted with interior junk
<br />
<br />Stats:
<br />
<br />RCI Ploppable
<br />
<br />Menu: Landmarks
<br />
<br />Cost to plop: 55000
<br />
<br />Co$$$ Jobs: 2081
<br />
<br />Size: 4x4
<br />
<br />Growable
<br />
<br />Co$$$ Jobs: 2081
<br />
<br />Size: 4x4
<br />
<br />As you should know, I don't like dependancies so:
<br />


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 17:48 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

Here is my new BAT &quot;FIRST UNION CENTER&quot;
<br />
<br />It´s not a real tower, it´s a fantasy building.
<br />
<br />!Landmark and Job Version!
<br />
<br />2100 CS$$$ Jobs
<br />200 meters high
<br />
<br />I hope you like it.
<br />Thanks
<br />
<br />skyscraper<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-03-17 17:22 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 17:50 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

Here can you see my new building, the AMV Plaza. It's a CO$$ Building for every
<br />midtown or downtown with lot size 2x4.  Ploppable landmark-version with jobs!
<br />The tower have got a special nightwindow- texture und a lot of roof-junk.
<br />Thx for downloads and ratings.
<br />
<br />Some Stats:
<br />Growable:
<br />Jobs: 1668
<br />Power/ Water consumed: 38 / 500
<br />Bulldoze Cost: 1566
<br />
<br />Ploppable:
<br />Plop Cost: 33000
<br />Budget Item cost: 0
<br />No effects
<br />The same as growable.
<br />
<br />Instuctions:
<br />after unzipping:
<br />Put the model file and the growable order
<br />(when do you want only growable in your game) or the ploppable order
<br />(when do you want only ploppable in your game) or both in your plugins
<br />folder at my documents.
<br />
<br />
<br />


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 18:19 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

很有风情的楼,墙壁上还有艺术品... <img src='images/smiles/em23.gif' smilietext=':em23:' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt=':em23:' title=':em23:' />  
<br />Originally called the Shermerhorn Building, the Audubon Building was built in 1891 in Manhattan, and was designed by George Post in the Romanesque Revival style. In 1989, the National Audubon Society purchased the building, and renovations were completed in 1992.
<br />
<br />The National Audubon Society renovated the building with the environment and their money in mind. The building is an outstanding example, and a pioneer of green architecture. The cost of the building (per square foot) is in the same range as similar non-green buildings in the neighborhood, and it uses 62% less energy than New York's building codes require. This saves the Audubon Society 100,000 dollars a year.
<br />
<br />This BAT was made by both me and Don Miguel. He started this building, and nearly finished it, and I completed it from where he left off. Most of the work on this building was done by him. Afterwards, lotting and modding was done by T Wrecks.
<br />
<br />Please read the readme for more information.
<br />
<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />The Audubon Building (growable)
<br />CO§§§ 625 jobs.
<br />Contains: 2x3 (corner), lot.
<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />The Audubon Building (ploppable)
<br />CO§§§ 625 jobs.
<br />Contains: 2x3 (corner) lot.
<br />Plop cost: §65,000
<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />BAT by: Don Miguel and Jasoncw
<br />Modding by: T Wrecks<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-02-25 00:15 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 18:27 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

提供11000  CO$$岗位
<br />The second collaborative effort by geoff_diamond and jtportland, Washington Tower soars more than 1300 feet into the sky - making it the seventh tallest building in the World today. The tower's massive communications antenna rises another 352 feet from the highest occupied floor to a total height of 1529 feet above ground. 4x4 CO$$ Plop with about 11000 jobs CO$$ Grow with about 6999 jobs CO$$$Grow with about 6999 jobsguou, if you wish, you may leave a comment.
<br />These comments are moderated.
<br />None     
<br /> Please provide a fair rating.    No rating at this time   1 - bugged or unusable   2 - serves no purpose   3 - more effort needed   4 - almost there   5 - it's adequate   6 - good work   7 - great work   8 - excellent work   9 - gorgeous, useful, unique 10 - perfect in every way  
<br />
<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-01 07:48 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 18:35 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

提供CO$$$  4000 jobs
<br />DUSKTROOPERS Frank &amp; Archai Tower GROWABLE AND PLOPABLE!! Plopable CO$$$ Growable CO$$$ stage 8, 4x3lot size This is DuskTrooper's Frank &amp; Archai Tower, which is a CO$$$ with about 4000 jobs. Both versions have the same # of jobs. It is ultramodern, with its shiny glass, stainless steel, and black metal facade. The building has a spectacular purple night lighting job that highlights the building's features, and light blue night windows.<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-01 07:49 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 18:40 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

The late 60's buildings saga continue... So, this is the next building with vertical elevation, to fill up a space near Meridian Tower. This is a building from medium CO$$ stuff, I'm giving you a growable version with nightlights. Have enjoy. Phoenix.
<br />
<br /> CO$$ Version
<br />Building value: 9.600 $
<br />Bulldoze cost/Worth: 820 $
<br />Capacity: 1237 CO$$
<br />Construction time: 116 days
<br />Flammability: 45
<br />Maximum fire stage: 5
<br />Pollution at center (air|water|garbage): 7|11|27
<br />Pollution radious in cells (air|water|garbage): 4|3|4
<br />Power consumed: 20 MW per month
<br />Water consumed: 105 m³ per month
<br />Height: 76 meters  
<br />Width: 74.5 meters
<br />Length: 32 meters
<br />Number of stories: 15
<br />LOT size: 5x3
<br />Stage: 8
<br />Zoning type: Dense commercial
<br />Type: Only growable
<br />Dependencies: NDEX Texture  
<br /><!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-03-17 17:44 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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发表于 2007-2-24 19:34 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 20:49 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

sony公司 提供5000个职位
<br />Tired of unquenchable CS$$$ demand in your big cities? Tired of every building other than CO office towers being 'blue platter limited' or 'boutiques' ? Thanks to SOMY's modeling skills I've made the first 'vetical mall'. The building has a large hotel, underground convention space, a giant vertical mall full of high-end shops to finaly get your sims to shut up about not enough CS$$$. 5,000 CS$$$ jobs 6x6 lot. Modeled by SOMY<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-02-25 11:42 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 21:05 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

Here is my new BAT...Buisness Trade Center
<br />
<br />
<br />Landmark-Version, CS$$-Version
<br />
<br />High: 250 Meters
<br />
<br />Lot: 6x4
<br />
<br />4500 CS$$ Jobs
<br />
<br />Plop Coast: 10 000 $
<br />
<br />Categorie: Landmarks
<br />
<br />Thanks skyscraper
<br /><!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-03-17 17:54 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 21:14 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />Growable - -     Ploppable -
<br />CO$$ 3x4 4x3   LandMark4 x 3
<br />CO$$$ 3x4 4x3
<br /><!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-01 07:55 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 21:18 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />Tower was BATted by Eric Burress (aka eburress) and Modded by Equinox De&#115;cription: e2i Center is the international corporate headquarters of e2i Incorporated, the world's premier Internet consulting firm. After acquiring Luminant, Sapient, Scient, and KPMG, e2i was in desperate need of office space, which necessitated the construction of their new headquarters tower. Explanation: This lot comes in three versions: a plopable lot, and two growables. The specifics for each are as follows: PLOPPABLE CO$$$ (file: &quot;Eburress' e2i Tower - Plopable CO$$$.dat&quot;) Lot Size: 3x3 Plop Cost: 10,000 Monthly Maintenance Cost: 0 CO$$$ Jobs: 3,200 Landmark Effect: +30/50 cells Park Effect: +10/50 cells Mayor Rating Boost: +10/100 cells Power Required: 60 Water Required: 30 Bulldoze Cost: 1,250 Menu: Landmarks, about 1/5 down GROWABLE CO$$$ (file: &quot;Eburress' e2i Tower - Growable CO$$$.dat&quot;) CO$$$ Jobs: 2,500 Growth Stage: 7 Lot Size: 3x3 Tilesets: New York, Houston Power Required: 60 Water Required: 100 Bulldoze Cost: 2,200 GROWABLE CO$$ (file: &quot;Eburress' e2i Tower - Growable CO$$.dat&quot;) CO$$ Jobs: 3,600 Growth Stage: 8 Lot Size: 3x3 Tilesets: New York, Houston Power Required: 60 Water Required: 100 Bulldoze Cost: 2,200 ==================================================Regardless of which version of the lot to use (or all), you NEED the following two files! &quot;Eburress' e2i Tower.SC4Model&quot; and &quot;e2i Center Query.dat&quot;. Without these the lot will not function properly! ================================================== Remember, for nightlighting on BAT-made objects to work in SC4, you need the patch specifically for nightlighting! It is available on Maxis' homepage, under &quot;Cool Stuff&quot; &gt; &quot;Tools&quot; &gt; &quot;B.A.T.&quot; Enjoy! Equinox and Eric<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-02-24 22:14 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 21:27 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />The classiest hotel in all of Sim Nation, Wagner Hotel is seventeen stories of pure luxury. St. Ritzy can't even compare.
<br />
<br />Also includes a residential version and a landmark version. Please read the readme for full details.
<br />
<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />Wagner Hotel (Growable)
<br />CS§§§ 292 jobs.
<br />Contains: 2x2 and 2x3 lots.
<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />Wagner Hotel (Ploppable)
<br />CS§§§ 292 jobs.
<br />Contains: 2x3 lot.
<br />Plop Cost: §56,000
<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />Wagner Apartments (Growable)
<br />R§§§ 278 residents.
<br />Contains: 2x2 and 2x3 lots.
<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />Wagner Building (Landmark)
<br />Contains: 2x3 lot.
<br />Plop Cost: §52,000
<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />BAT by: Jasoncw
<br />Modding by: T Wrecks
<br />
<br />Click here for discussion of new and current projects by Jasoncw<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-03-17 17:55 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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发表于 2007-2-25 03:49 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

发表于 2007-2-25 09:32 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

<br />楼主有空继续更新
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 15:29 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

in seoul korea
<br />
<br />Growable:
<br />
<br />*Lot Size: 4x4
<br />
<br />*Jobs: 3400
<br />
<br />*Flammability:3
<br />
<br />*Power/Water Consumed: 92, 919
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />
<br />
<br />Landmarkversion
<br />
<br />*Budget Item: Cost: 0
<br />
<br />*No Effects
<br />
<br />*Plop Cost: 110000
<br /><!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-03-17 18:02 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 15:55 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

提供3500 CO$$$工作岗位
<br />DUSKTROOPER'S Azuriko Plaza ( AKA Bluerise Plaza ) SORRY FOR THE BAD PIC- THE REAL BUILDING LOOKS SHARP! THE SERVER RE SIZES ALL PHOTOS. This is Dusktrooper's Azuriko Plaza, a throwback to the SC3000's Bluerise Plaza.It is a CO$$$ RCI plopable with about 3500 jobs. Use it to replace existing skyscrapers, or consult the online tutorials to create a growable version. I MAY upload a growable in the future. In fact, I probably will.guou, if you wish, you may leave a comment.
<br />These comments are moderated.
<br />None     
<br /> Please provide a fair rating.    No rating at this time   1 - bugged or unusable   2 - serves no purpose   3 - more effort needed   4 - almost there   5 - it's adequate   6 - good work   7 - great work   8 - excellent work   9 - gorgeous, useful, unique 10 - perfect in every way  
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<br />
<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-01 15:38 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 16:09 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

DUSKTROOPERS Andover Tower GROWABLE AND PLOPABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excuse the bad pic- the server re-sizes it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plopable CO$$$ Growable CO$$$ stage 8, 4x3lot size This is DuskTrooper's Andover tower, as CO$$$ Stage 8, and a plopable, with 4500 jobs for both. It is a Postmodern design, resembling some modern postmodern structures in Atlanta, Georgia.


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 16:26 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

BzB – Tower Domenicus
<br />
<br />
<br />Tower Domenicus is a company directed in the telecommunication, giving services to the Sim's
<br />
<br />
<br />Lot details
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />- Lot: 3x3 and 4x4.
<br />
<br />- Workers: CO$$$ 2500 e (CO$$ 4000) when devaluated.
<br />
<br />- Bulldoze: 1250$
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />- Lot: 3x4 and 4x4.
<br />
<br />- Workers CO$$$ 2500 e (CO$$ 3500) when devaluated.
<br />
<br />- Plop cost: 1000$
<br />
<br />- Bulldoze: 1250$
<br />
<br />
<br />Having doubts contact for the email or it confers the figures of as to place its construction...
<br />
<br />
<br />Visit <a href="http://www.simcitybrasil.com.br" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.simcitybrasil.com.br" target="_blank">www.simcitybrasil.com.br</a></a>
<br /><!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-03-17 18:04 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-26 08:41 | 显示全部楼层

〓商业DL.2nd〓BusinessDL.2nd〓ビジネス〓사업 〓     

提供158个工作岗位<!--editpost--><br /><br /><br /><div><font class='editinfo'>此帖由 harryz 在 2007-04-06 23:12 进行编辑...</font></div><!--editpost1-->


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