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[Cities XL]官方关于GEM的答疑

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发表于 2009-1-15 10:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
译者注:这是针对CITIES XL上月提出的GEM概念的官方答疑。作为新年福利和翻译组复活(或者说回光返……)的实例以飨猪头帝国众。

关于GEM简要介绍一下:这是Monte Cristo设计的存在于CITIES XL中的独立游戏模块,在城市建设的同时提供关注微观经营的机会,能在自己建设的城市里经营、管理多种行业,参与城市的经济竞争,实际上,是在对Sandbox概念的一种扩展,从本质上试图对模拟城市的既定体系和弱智的扩展作出超越,是否成功,我们拭目以待。


A lot of you have commented on our “Crisis, what Crisis?” blog entry describing the GEMs and part of these comments contained some questions asking for more details
很多人对我们“Crisis, what Crisis?”Blog内容(译者注:参见http://www.citiesxl.com/index.php?/content/view/45/68/lang,en/)里描述的GEM(译者注:游戏扩展模块)发表了诸多评论,而且部分留言里不乏对更多细节的寻求。
Because you are so kind, we will try to answer your points here  

eduardeXtreme asks:
Can we really place the small facilities (showers, ice-cream, souvenir shops) anywhere we want in the beach?

Yes, you will be totally free to place any building wherever you want as long as you are on the beach. It’s up to you to concentrate your beach resort in a small area or spread it in a long beach.

erikhoogendam asks:
Will there be a lot of integration between the city builder and a GEM?
And City King asks:
The question will be how influential they want to make these GEMs

“A lot” is really subjective. I’ll try to give you some clues as to how they interact
First, a GEM is a company in and of itself and will therefore require employees with different levels of qualification and you’ll have to hire them.
Your GEM will also produce a dedicated resource that will fill a need in your city as well as generating a new Token that you will be able to trade with other cities. For instance, the Ski Resort GEM will create a Winter Vacation resource or token that you’ll have to trade with other cities.

Street asks:
I was wondering could Sebastien spare a few words just give a basic description of your aims with GEMs such as the airport management one?

We have ambitious objectives with the Transport GEMs such as the Airport. The main goal will be to let you create a company that will have to manage the transportation of persons or fret in and out of your city.
In order to do so, you’ll have to define your airport infrastructure with the Terminals, the Communication tower but also draw your runways. Obviously, you will have to make sure you provide enough space to your runways to allow the biggest planes to land or take off.
The gameplay associated with Transport GEMs should mainly be directed towards the usual transport tycoons produced so far with some new features that should bring more fun.
运输类GEM的游戏性应该说基本向通常我们所见的运输大亨(译者注:此处是泛指,但是我相信他绝对忘不了TTD)类游戏带给我们的游戏特性所看齐——当然会有更多新特性,更多新乐趣(译者注:在真正的城市里运营,类似Traffice Giant里运营公车和轻铁,但更YY些)。
But that’s not all, if you use a Transport GEM in the context of the planet offer, you should get some more fun with other Transport GEM owners but I can’t say much about this for now…
但这还不是所有我们的招数。如果你在Planet Offer(译者注:Cities XL里定义的多人建设模式,一个星球相当于一个服务器,同星球分成若干个城市,玩家可以以自己的城市为基础互相交易和以各种方式互动)里玩运输类GEM,你会从其他运输类GEM拥有者那里获得更多乐趣,不过我现在可不能再多说了……(译者注:莫非是全球的同行业竞争?例如香港国际机场与新加坡樟宜机场之间?或者是不同铁路线之间的兼并,这不就意味着自己能到其他人的城市里OOXX……遐想颇多啊……)

Minimartinliten asks:
Just one thing, are these GEMs for free? Or do we need to pay for each one…?
and Kebeon asks
It seems it will be really impressive! But would it be paid additional content? Or totally free

GEMs won’t only be additional graphical content but will also contain a totally new gameplay experience. You won’t be only playing a city builder but a tycoon in the context of your cities: it will be a game in itself
GEM不会只有附加的图像内容,还会有全新的游戏体验(译者注:就是说不止是骗钱,而且是要大大的骗钱……= =)。你不会感觉只是在玩个城市建设游戏,而会有在城市里做(某个行业的)大亨的感觉:这(GEM)本质上就是一个独立的游戏。
However, we don’t want to go down the usual expansion pack route. We want to be free to release small GEMs that would cost you US$ 5.00 or US$15.00 depending on the real gameplay value added.

Oldman9942 asks:
Are the GEMs going to be Monte Cristo provided only, or will there be an API or other means to allow for community building of new types?

GEM会只由Monte Cristo自己提供,还是说会有API或者其它途径供开发社区自行开发新GEM种类呢?

At the time of release, GEMs will only be developed by Monte Cristo. However, we’re not opposed to the idea of seeing other teams building GEMs that would be therefore available in CITIES XL.
在游戏刚发售时,GEM会只由Monte Cristo来开发。不过我们并不反对其他开发组自己对新GEM搞搞震的主意,这样的GEM最终也能在CITIES XL里出现。
We’re still not there yet and it would require us to spend some more time on it to make sure we can provide a good level of support and quality to our players.
我们还没最终确定。要为我们的玩家提供良好的支持和游戏质量,我们还要花更多时间来研究这方面的工作。(译者注:引申义是API现在估计还没谱,甚至游戏发售后也要相当一段时间才可能出来,不过可以推测到的是:第五点提示:Monte Cristo很清楚怎么赚钱,Quake Live和Battlefield Heroes如果说代表着微付费游戏的正统未来,那么水果的Appstore是个很好的例子来证明小构件市场的成熟,支持社区开发带来的不仅是把这个平台托向长寿的王者之位,更能带来白花花的银子和用户的忠诚度,他们可能不考虑到这点吗?到时候5-5分成也不错嘛)。

Jimoehl93 asks:
GREAT STUFF but how long will this delay the release date?

CITIES XL and GEMs are following a different path as far as development planning is concerned. The goal is really to let us bring new GEMs as time goes on.
CITIES XL和GEM无论是开发还是策划都遵循的是不同路径。其目的是随着时间的推移,我们能真正制作出新GEM。
We therefore needed to spend quite a bit of time and energy in the core of CITIES XL to allow such GEMs to be added after release. Now that this is done, we have a total control on how and when the GEMs will be released independently of the current CITIES XL development planning.
我们当然需要花相当的时间和精力在CITIES XL的核心上以使其能支持在游戏发售以后的这类GEM能附加入游戏本体。由于这些工作我们都已经搞定了,我们当然就能对当前CITIES XL的开发策划之外相对独立的GEM的相关诸多问题有着完全控制了。(译者注:切!)

Rynki asks:
Will there be a limit on the number of GEMs that I will be able to manage in my city or will I be able to have as many GEMs as I want?

In theory, there is no limit on the number of GEMs that you can create in your cities. However, some GEMs will require you a lot of space in order to expand to a good level and you will then be limited by the space available
If, for instance, once available, you wanted to place in the same city a Ski resort, an airport and a theme park, you will have to dedicate a lot of space to them or their economic  expansion would be limited.
We however plan to release smaller GEMs like the Car Manufacturer GEM that will require only a factory and probably some offices to let you design, create and sell your own designed cars in your cities or others’  

发表于 2009-1-15 14:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-1-15 22:41 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-1-15 22:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-1-16 17:21 | 显示全部楼层

不过这样看来游戏容量应该不小吧~~~ 估计要换电脑了~
发表于 2009-1-19 20:32 | 显示全部楼层
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